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Case Studies

Pakana is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of ways. The following example case studies illustrate how Pakana can be used to meet the needs of different organizations and users.

Case Study 1:
Optimizing Construction Control with Pakana's Lockbox Solution

Client Profile

  • Name: XYZ Construction
  • Industry: Construction
  • Location: California, USA


XYZ Construction needed a robust system to oversee their projects, ensuring precision in expense tracking, budget management, and seamless project execution.


  1. Granular Project Oversight: XYZ Construction required a solution that offered detailed project oversight down to the transaction level.
  2. Budget Allocation and Monitoring: Accurate budget allocation and real-time monitoring were imperative for cost-effective project execution.
  3. Integration with Existing Systems: Seamless integration with their existing financial ecosystem was crucial to avoid disruption.

Lockbox Solution

  • Customized Project Wallets: Pakana implemented individualized wallets for each project, allowing for meticulous expense tracking and budget allocation.
  • Smart Contracts for Budget Enforcement: Smart contracts ensured automated budget allocation and monitored spending, triggering alerts for potential overages.
  • Integration Capabilities: Pakana seamlessly integrated with XYZ Construction's existing financial tools, serving as a centralized hub for all financial activities.


  • Enhanced Project Efficiency: Pakana optimization led to a 25% reduction in project management overhead, allowing XYZ Construction to reallocate resources more effectively.
  • Real-Time Budget Adherence: The The automated budget enforcement system resulted in a 20% decrease in budget overruns, providing cost savings.
  • Streamlined Financial Ecosystem: Pakana integration capabilities streamlined financial processes, providing a centralized platform for all financial activities.

"Advanced compliance features can revolutionize your record-keeping."